CYBER TECH 01484-950230
CYBER TECH   01484-950230 


Our PC & Laptop Health Checks provide valuable insight for the person just starting out, also it will benefit experienced users as well. Our Health Check gives our customers a window into how their equipment is performing and the factors that will either help or hinder their use. We will take a thorough look at the system, and have it running in good order by removing any software or hardware that may be causing the issues. This maybe  slow startups, malware and virus issues, also Bloatware designed to slow your system down. We will optimise your machine in the best way and have it running smoothly again. Over time computers ,tablets etc normally slow down due to a number of reasons. We take the hassle out of getting your machine back to normal and in all cases improve performance. We can help with specific software issues concerning compatibilty with hardware you might be using. We take the hassle out of understanding your problems so you can use your machine the way it was intended......hassle free.

72A Westbourne Road





TEL: 01484 950230

MOBILE: 07587 552321

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